Diagnosis & Treatment For

Best Fistula surgeon and Fissure Treatment Doctor in Aurangabad- Dr. Anand Auti

Dr. Anand Auti is one of the best Fissure Treatment Doctor in Aurangabad. He has successfully treated more than 3,500 patients for the last 8 years. He has completed his M.B.B.S from MGM medical college, Aurangabad in 2007. He has done MS Surgery in 2013 from Father Muller Medical College Mangalore, Karnataka, and fellowship in colorectal surgery (2017 & 2018). He is also the Best fistula surgeon in Aurangabad with very good results. His expertise in the area will surely help you.

Anal Fissure

An anal fissure is a tear in the anus or anal canal lining (the opening through which stool passes out of the body). It’s possible that the fissure will leak and cause pain. Anal fissures can affect people of all ages. As people age, their chances of developing an anal fissure decrease. People who have previously experienced fissures are more likely to experience them again.

best fistula surgeon in Aurangabad- Dr. Anand Auti
Fissure treatment doctor in Aurangabad- Dr. Anand Auti


A fistula is an irregular passageway or connection between two organs or veins that do not normally communicate. They can appear everywhere, including between the intestine and the epidermis, the vaginal canal and the rectum, and other sites. The anus is the most typical place for a fistula.

Anal Fistulas/Perianal Fistulas.

Hemorrhoids (Piles)

Hemorrhoids, often known as piles, are bulging veins in the anus and lower rectum that resemble varicose veins. Internal hemorrhoids develop inside the rectum, while external hemorrhoids develop beneath the skin around the anus (external hemorrhoids).

Internal and external hemorrhoids may require distinct treatment options.

Internal Hemorrhoids: These hemorrhoids form inside the rectum (the section of the large intestine that leads to the anus) and are normally not apparent to the human eye. Internal hemorrhoids don’t usually hurt, however, they might bleed without being a pain.

External Hemorrhoids: These hemorrhoids form beneath the skin on the anus’s exterior. These are the most uncomfortable hemorrhoids, as they are itchy, painful, and lumpy.

best fistula surgeon in Aurangabad- Dr. Anand Auti
Fissure treatment doctor in Aurangabad- Dr. Anand Auti

Pilonidal Sinus

The pilonidal sinus (PNS) is a small skin opening or tube. It may get clogged with fluid or pus, forming a cyst or abscess. The cleft at the top of the buttocks is where it happens. Hair, filth, and debris are common in pilonidal cysts. It can cause excruciating pain and is frequently infected. It may leak pus and blood and have a horrible odour if it becomes infected.

The signs of an infection include:

  • sitting or standing causes pain
  • the cyst’s swelling
  • skin that is reddish and inflamed in the area
  • The abscess is draining pus or blood, generating a horrible stench.
  • hair growing out of the lesion
  • More than one sinus tract can arise, as can skin perforations.

Perianal abscess

A perianal abscess is a skin infection that shows as a sensitive red lump around the anus. Bacteria become caught in the crypt glands that line the anal canal, causing infection. Bacteria and fluid (pus) pile up and form a red, painful lump (similar to a “pimple”).

Perianal abscess is not the same as perirectal abscess. Perirectal abscess is a deep infection that travels up the rectum and into the pelvis and is extremely uncommon in healthy neonates and toddlers. Deep abscesses can develop in a variety of places in the pelvis and are linked to inflammatory bowel disease.

best fistula surgeon in Aurangabad- Dr. Anand Auti
Fissure treatment doctor in Aurangabad- Dr. Anand Auti

Cancer of Anal Canal

Anal cancer is an uncommon type of cancer that originates between the teeth’s canals. The anal canal is a little tube that connects your rectum to the exterior of your body, where faeces exits.

Anal cancer is characterised by rectal bleeding and anal pain.

The majority of people with anal cancer are treated with chemotherapy and radiation. Combining anal cancer therapies improves the chances of a cure, but it also increases the risk of side effects.

Fournier's Gangrene

Fournier’s gangrene is a type of necrotizing fasciitis that affects the vaginal, perineal, and perianal regions of the body and can be life-threatening.

When a person develops a skin wound that permits bacteria, viruses, or fungus to go deeper into the body, Fournier’s gangrene can develop.

Anorectal abscesses, surgical wounds, diverticulitis, rectal cancer, and genital piercings are all examples of skin injuries.

These include:

  • diabetes
  • a history of alcohol abuse
  • a compromised immune system, such as in HIV
  • morbid obesity
best fistula surgeon in Aurangabad- Dr. Anand Auti
Fissure treatment doctor in Aurangabad- Dr. Anand Auti

Prolapse of Rectum

The lower piece of the large intestine (rectum) protrudes through the muscle opening at the end of the digestive system, causing rectal prolapse (anus). Rectal prolapse is inconvenient, but it’s rarely a medical problem.

Rectal prolapse is sometimes treated with stool softeners, suppositories, and other medications. Rectal prolapse, on the other hand, is almost always addressed surgically.

You may observe a crimson mass coming out of the anus if you have rectal prolapse, especially if you strain during a bowel movement. It’s possible that the mass will disappear into the anus, but it’s also possible that it could remain visible.